After my review of 'The Nature of Gothic' CD with the Pathian song 'More Than Pain' (which is still one of my fav's) I now have the opportunity to review the full album.

Eerie effects start off the first song 'Threads' which is a nice mixture of guitars, keyboards and drums as is 'Our Souls Reflected'. The first impressions of this unique CD is of 'Dead Can Dance' crossed with New Age mood music for Goths.

Each song has many different moods like 'Journey's End', quite sombre and can then double in pace at moments notice. 'Beginnings' is a rip roaring great tune, slightly more up beat and will make any Trad Goth band jealous.

There is an Egyptian feel to the start of 'Angel Down' until the drums kick in followed by guitars setting the whole song alive. This is only matched by the drums/guitars at the start of 'This Is Absolution' and 'Seraphim'. The atmosphere is changed with 'She Guides My Hands' which has a more ethnic feel but still with that great guitar sound.

Overall, this CD has completely won me over, I am now a complete fan. When is the next CD out?

CD Reviews